You are here: Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register

Location Register

In order to ease both Asset tracking and Call Logging, Concept Evolution allows every Location (i.e. Room, corridor, storage cupboard, etc.) to be defined. Locations can be created to a Building either in the Building Register window, or through the Location Register. If a Location is defined from within the Building Register, the Building field for the new Location is automatically completed on creation.

The list of Locations are maintained here.

Facilities > Property and Estates > Location Register

The link will open the Location Register grid. It is a grid view which can be searched, sorted and customised as normal.

To add a new Location click New , to edit and existing Location click Edit . A pop up window will appear which will allow the creation or amendment of a Location.

ClosedClick to view - Other Tab Fields and Descriptions

ClosedClick to view - Notes Tab Fields and Descriptions

Complete the fields and click Save . Once the Location header has been completed and saved a sub navigation will appear to allow additional entities to be assigned / created. These include:


Group Locations


Room Layouts


Conseq Unavailable - Payment Mechanism module only

Floor Plan - Excitech module only

Catering Exclusions - Facilities Booking Module only

Estates Management